Jewish Creation Story

There is seven part of creation story in Judaism, its mean 7 days God create the world according to Judaism belief. Below are the summary:
  1. Day one God create light
  2. Day two God create the firmament of heaven
  3. Day three God made the separation between water and land, with vegetation upon the latter
  4. Day four God create the sun, moon, and stars
  5. Day five God create the marine animals and birds
  6. Day six God created man in His image, man and woman together, blessing them and giving them dominion over all beings
  7. Day seven God rested, and blessed and sanctified the day
As regards the creation and the following story of man, God forms him out of earth and breathes into him the breath of life. Then God put him in a beautiful garden, to cultivate and watch over it. Adam is permitted to eat of all the fruit in the garden except that of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" God then brings all the animals to Adam, to serve as company for and to receive names from him. When Adam can find no being like himself among all these creatures, God puts him into a deep sleep, takes a rib from his side, and forms a woman called Eve to be a friend to him.