Christian Creation Story

God created the world and all living things. As a human has three forms: Soul, Body and Spirit, God also having three forms as well: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus the Son of God) and God the Hoy Spirit, who carries out God's will on earth. 2000 years ago, God the Father sent Jesus His Son to tell people about God's love, and so that Jesus died to forgive humanity's sins. After Jesus died on the cross, God rose Jesus from the death after three days in the grave and before Jesus return to heaven, He promise that he will return at the end of time.

The most important part of this video story is the final creation of human beings. Since they were made in God's image and given power over all living things, Bible tell that humans are the most important of God's creations. Some Christians think that this means humans can use the world as they wish, while other believe that God intended humans to care for an look after the work. Christians use the story of 'the fall' to explain why suffering and death have entered the world. Base on the Bible we believe that God will create a new and better world where those who have tried to live as God wants, will live forever and ever with God in heaven.